This raw lunch gave me just the energy I needed on this dreary day! I just finished up a quick yoga session with my little love bug and needed something fast and delicious. Lucy loves "doing" yoga with me (she watches me from her floor mat or lays under me for certain poses)! I try to incorporate yoga into our daily routine everyday, even if it's only 15 minutes. My body really needs the stretching since I spend so much time carrying Lucy, leaning forward to her, and playing on the floor. In order to make sure I fit everything in my day, I usually need to make quick lunches and this is definitely one of the quickest! Just slice, stack, and go!
This is pretty much all you will need for these! The only other things you'll need is whatever you want to sprinkle on top!

I chose to add oregano, fresh ground pepper, and balsamic glaze. So yummy!

Zucchini Tomato Stacks
2-3 tomatoes on the vine, thickly sliced
12 thin slices of zucchini
handful of baby spinach
1/4 cup walnuts
dried oregano, ground black pepper, balsamic glaze, etc for topping
Note: fresh basil would be delicious on this but I was all out! Basil-sage pesto would also be a great addition to these!
1. Start with 1 slice of tomato on the bottom of your stack.
2. Add a few pieces of baby spinach.
3. Add 2 pieces of zucchini folded in half.
4. Repeat layers.
5. Add walnuts on top of the zucchini.
6. Sprinkle with oregano & pepper and drizzle balsamic glaze.